Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keep Calm and Eat a Cupcake

It is no secret...
My name is Katie
and I have an obsession with cupcakes

Living in the Burg there are no real bakeries but when I came to school my world was changed when I was introduced to the world of cupcakes. I blame my obsession on Leemaw. One day, the day the infamous KFC double down was released, Leemaw and I piled into her bug to go to Tyson's Corner. At Tyson's, Leemaw asked me if I've ever had a Cake Love cupcake...that answer was no. So I had my first  ever, what I call boutique cupcake. I had red velvet, a go to flavor. My life was changed. Since that day I have been a self-proclaimed cupcake connoisseur. I have had the whole gambit and even had my Little make me a cupcake paddle! By far, my favorite have been Sprinkles. I highly recommend the Vanilla Milk Chocolate or the Praline one, which I got free one day. What I love even more than cupcakes is free cupcakes! I love that there are daily words that you just have to say and a little piece of heaven is given to you for free. I love a good deal...especially on cupcakes. So this morning when Lynn texted me and told me to check my email I knew it was going to be good...A GROUPON FOR A DOZEN CUPCAKES FOR $20!!! Needless to say I lost it...and bought two. Now will I be able to eat 24 cupcakes...maybe...don't challenge me because you know I'll do it. Being realistic I will share my 24 cupcakes so be nice and you may be in luck! I hope that one day if this whole government business doesn't work out that Lynn and I will open Crescent Crown Cupcakery so I can share my love of cupcakes with everyone! In the mean time, keep calm and eat a cupcake.

XO Katie 

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