Wednesday, July 13, 2011

And so it begins

This is not at all how I envisioned my first post to be, but as usual, nothing in my life goes according to plan.

First off, Lilly and I decided we needed to start a blog because people will not believe what happens to us on a daily basis. We also have a lot of opinions on everything Lilly, TSM, and anything on Bravo.  We hope that you will find this all entertaining and for you all who know us you will see another side of us.

I planned on having the first post about Lilly and I’s reunion this past weekend but greater things have come to light. Here’s the short version…Lilly’s plane was canceled not once but TWICE! I think the gods had it out for us so instead she arrived Saturday afternoon. We hit the local froyo place and had the most amazing flavor…cake batter! It was the closet thing I could get to a cupcake. Then we proceeded to head to the outlets where we did considerable damage at JCrew, which was well worth it. Sunday we drove all around the Burg to find a shower curtain. Who would have thought it would have taken 4 hours and numerous stores to find one. While we shopped we had people staring because we were wearing our matching vineyard vines letters. Don’t care. I was so sad when I had to take Lilly back to the airport Monday night but I realized in 5 short weeks we will be back at school and inseparable.

So here is how my night has gone. I had a good night at work. It was super slow and we had a monsoon again but whatever I love my managers so I had fun.  While I was at work I received a picture message from my ex-boyfriend, he will be AJV. The picture was of an Indian picture he hung on his wall. He is known for sending me stupid pictures like this. So I ask him if the Indian has a name. He called it FlyingKateEagle. Said that was interesting and then he told me that we should sleep together. Um hello. We have been broken up for over a year now and I literally have no attraction to him or enjoy his presence anymore. He has turned into too much of a hippie/yuppie. So all this flabbergasts me. I can tell that he has had one too many. He goes on to tell me that we’ll sleep together when I come to visit (never planned on visiting) because we can’t do it in front of the Indian. This is not real life.  I literally am speechless. This can’t be happening. So I’m going to just sit here and ponder the events of tonight and wonder what tomorrow will bring. #jokelife

XO Katie

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